Guided meditations

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A quick and simple breathing meditation that can be used as a short breathing space to punctuate your day and help you to feel grounded in-between activities, or alternatively, as a warm-up to prepare you for the mediations that follow.

3 Minutes



This meditation will draw your awareness out of your mind and into your body. There is so much rewarding and relaxing sensory experience that we miss when we are constantly distracted by thoughts – this practice will help you to make a habit of feeling embodied.

page 75 | 15 Minutes



By repeatedly focusing on the sensations of the breath as an anchor in the present moment we train ourselves to notice when we are distracted by thoughts. Remember, every time you realise you have become lost in thought is not a failure; it is a success. Realising that you have become distracted and guiding your awareness back to the breath is the purpose of the exercise.

page 89 | 20 Minutes



This inherently relaxing meditation helps us to focus not only on our awareness of our experience but on our awareness itself, noticing it’s emotional tone, expansiveness, exploring where it wants to go and following it with a sense of openness and curiosity.

Page 96 | 25 MINUTES



Feeling kindness towards others doesn’t just help them – it also helps to alleviate our own suffering. Compassion helps us to feel connected, reducing feelings of isolation, dulling negative thought patterns and positively changing our blood chemistry by boosting our oxytocin (the ‘love’ hormone).

Page 129 | 20 MINUTES



Sanscrit for ‘yogic sleep’. This ancient form of meditation uses a body scan to ground you, letting the mental chatter fall away to reveal what is important, followed by an exploration of opposing sensations to recalibrate your mental experience. Yoga Nidra is simultaneously relaxing and rejuvenating.

Page 149 | 30 minutes


Coherent breathing timers


Six breaths per minute

Breathe in harmony with these rhythmic sounds to create bodily coherence between your breath, heartbeat, blood pressure and brainwaves. This not only reduces stress and improves concentration in the short-term – it has lasting benefits on your heart-rate variability, vagal tone and overall health as a result.

Page 59 | 6 minutes



Five breaths per minute

Breathe in harmony with these rhythmic sounds to create bodily coherence between your breath, heartbeat, blood pressure and brainwaves. This not only reduces stress and improves concentration in the short-term – it has lasting benefits on your heart-rate variability, vagal tone and overall health as a result.

These original coherence audio journeys were created by my awesomely talented brother Max.

Page 59 | 6 minutes