Use your breath as a focal point in the present moment and ride it like it’s a wave and your awareness is the surfboard... Surf’s up dudes!
Extended exercises
DOWNLOAD AND PRINT THESE Extended guided exercises from inside Draw Breath.
Refer to the relevant page in the book for the simple instructions.
‘YIN AND YANG’ Coherence
Page 59
Cardiac coherence happens at a different rhythmic breathing rate for everyone depending on lots of different factors. Experiment with the most common breathing rhythms and see which one you are most comfortable with. Can you feel the resonance?
‘breath COUNTING’ timers
Page 60
I wished these could have gone on longer in the book as I think they’re really relaxing… so here are some free extended versions! Print a few and have them on your desk for when things get tough… If ‘box breathing’ is trusted by Navy Seals, it should help prepare for whatever you might be facing!
‘Thinking Straight’
Done with honesty and curiosity this simple exercise shows how easily we are pulled away from the present moment and into rumination about the past or the future. Remember, noticing you have become distracted from the breath is not a failure, it is a success – it trains the habit of noticing when you are distracted so that you can bring your attention gently back to the breath.
‘Free-Breathing’ Pacer
This simple background is lovely for drawing a free-breathing practice on. It’s subtly shifting colours and textures remind you that each moment is completely unique. Let your pencil be an anchor in the present and see where the journey of the breath takes you on this colourful landscape.